She had already developed the feeling of servitude at a tender age when she saw her educationist father run a school in the town of Sirhind in Punjab. She would not just clean the school with her siblings but also teach students whenever required. Her father followed the Gandhian principles which got ingrained in her DNA. After topping her school in Sirhind, Nirmal went on to earn a gold medal in BSc (H) Botany course from Punjab University. But life wasn’t easy and due to financial constraints, she decided to not study further and joined New Bank Of India. She got married in a revolutionary family and moved to Delhi where she spent a lot of time with her husband working for a cleaner Yamuna and a greener Delhi in their NGO called Campaign For People’s Rights. She was influenced in a big way by her husband’s mentor and guide, Ex-PM Chandrashekhar who gave her the values of simplicity and how to dedicate one’s life to the service of the people.
While working for the bank for 40 years, Nirmal has retired with an excellent customer service record which includes serving the differently abled. It is in her job that she developed the feeling of empathy towards visually impaired. Nirmal is not just a great mentor but also a dedicated activist having spent time in the bank unions during her service years.