Chittranjan Dubey is the author of 21 Doors to Happiness: Life through Travel Experiences and Meditation. He is also a meditation teacher, environmentalist, social activist and consultant in the IT industry.
After becoming disillusioned working in the corporate world, he quit his job and lived a nomadic life in India between 2009 and 2011. Later he tried writing and acting in the Bollywood movie industry but with time realized this was not what he wanted from life. He then volunteered for many months full-time with an NGO in Mumbai, India, working against corruption—India’s biggest socio-political movement at that time. Also, he actively participates in social and environmental movements in the UK and EU countries. Along with his job he enjoys teaching meditation and has given classes on meditation in countries like Tanzania, Spain, the UK and Germany.
Chittranjan has lived in many continents which includes Asia, Africa, America and at the moment living in Europe. He is a co-founder of Extinction Rebellion India which is an environmental movement and coordinating for many countries.
He decided to work with visually impaired citizens of India when he met a young, visually impaired person in Delhi who asked for help to board a crowded metro. That day that long conversation with that person made him join this project.
He intends to bring in best practices from the western world to see a change in the lives of visually impaired in India through application of the latest technology and innovation.